
First of all, we provide for the basic needs of our guests and then intensify our service and readily surprise them with authentic experiences, where they do not only watch but also participate.

Grape harvesting

with our guests is a special, guided, one-day event. Guests put on work clothes and shoes, get their juices flowing with food and beverage, receive vineyard shears and the harvest can begin. They experience genuine manual harvesting and learn about the most challenging tasks of a winegrower from the logistics point of view. When the work is done, it is celebrated with a winegrower’s feast and good wine or even cider, and harvesters are also rewarded for their hard work upon their departure.


Martin’s ritual

is a presentation of the baptism of “cider into wine” which is prepared in the wine cellar on the St. Martin’s Day, with a guided wine tasting in the company of a wine sommelier.

Teambuilding in the vineyard and wine cellar

is a one-day or a two-day event at the vineyard, wine cellar and Ajdovski gradec. The event is aimed to provide relaxation, sports activities and just the right amount of competitiveness. The atmosphere of Ajdovski gradec, the vineyard and wine handling in the wine cellar make the event even more impressive, along with the winegrower’s snack from a basket on the mown lawn under the vine.